One-hour Hatha yoga class with Raggs. Stretch out and relax! Book your place here.
One-hour Hatha yoga class with Raggs. Stretch out and relax! Book your place here.
My Body Moves is carnival dance, burlesque and cajone drum fusion, promoting body positivity and self confidence. Taught with zero judgement, much respect and buckets of humour, this is all about feeling good and enjoying yourself… And the sweet little secret? If you feel good, you look good! Now ain’t that a slice of wonderful!? […]
Get your brain fit and working with your body. Great for stress, anxiety and overload. Book your place here.
Another chance to make something beautiful with our seamstress-in-residence, Isabel. Book your place here.
Boost your embroidery skills and progress your latest project as part of a friendly group. Book your place here.
Create your own, scented soap with expert Josie. Eventbrite link coming soon.
The second session in our four-class programme to apply mindfulness techniques to avoid and deal with stress and anxiety. See course booking details on 16 February or here.
Learn new stitches and techniques in a friendly group with Karen Chard. Book your place here.
Another chance to learn from food and nutrition experts Laurie and Seema about fresh, healthy cooking on a budget. Join a friendly group to prepare then eat a delicious meal - with lots left over to enjoy at home! Tickets £5 per person. All ingredients and equipment provided. Book your place here.
Another fun and creative session with the team from ArtLab. Book your place here.
Learn new stitches and techniques in a friendly group with Karen Chard. Book your place here.
Another chance to make the world a better place - one stitch or sketch at a time. Book your place here.
Enjoy some creative and purposeful crafts with upcycling expert Sadie. Book your place here.
Get your bike into tip-top condition for spring and summer with help from the experts at Bike Bristol. Book your place here.
Our popular weekly Hatha Yoga class with Raggs. Book your place here (£2 returnable deposit).
My Body Moves is carnival dance, burlesque and cajone drum fusion, promoting body positivity and self confidence. Taught with zero judgement, much respect and buckets of humour, this is all about feeling good and enjoying yourself… And the sweet little secret? If you feel good, you look good! Now ain’t that a slice of wonderful!? […]
Another mind-soothing and brain-boosting mental gym session with kinesiologist Liz Anderson. Book your place here.
Another session with macramé creator Sam from SC Knits. Book your place here.
Learn more new stitches and techniques in a friendly group with Karen Chard. Book your tickets here.
Part 2 of the mixed media landscapes session with Lucy and Beth. Previous attendees welcome to come along and finish your pieces! Book your tickets here.
Join us for a special Bristol Community Festival walking tour of Bedminster's hidden places and stories - led by Sheila Hannon. Book your tickets here
Another fun and ingenious upcycling session with Sadie - taking inspiration from the morning's guided walking tour of Bedminster... Book your ticket(s) here.
Part one of the mosaic-making workshop with Wendy. Design and create something to cherish for your home. Book your place here. Pieces for the mosaics are provided but please bring a container minimum size 15x15cm and a small clean cloth/or small clean tea towel to store mosaics and something to take them home in. And […]
The People's Comedy presents Make Bedminster Gert Again Comedy Night - SIX acts for £4,99! A night of comedy celebrating Bedminster and the surrounding area's connected history, platforming and paying Bristolian comedians equally. From Bemmie Clark's Pies of days old to the area's celebrated art and modern cultural delights of today, this is for the […]