For everyone

Gingerbread people

At Share Bristol we are committed to treating everyone with dignity and respect, ensuring that no-one is discriminated against because of their race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, sex, mental or physical disability, age, religion or belief, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy, sexual orientation or gender reassignment status.

We will thoroughly and promptly investigate all allegations of harassment, bullying or intimidation, and take appropriate action against any person or third party found to have carried out any harassment, bullying or intimidation against our volunteers, users of our services or third parties working with Share Bristol.

Please expand the headings below to read more. We welcome your comments and feedback.

We will maintain and nurture a environment around our services, which:

  • Enables everyone to give their best
  • Is free from bullying and harassment or discrimination, especially if it is based on any of the protected characteristics
  • Makes decisions based on merit
  • Make reasonable adjustments for disabled people, including how a role is structured, the removal of physical barriers and/or providing extra support.
  • Accommodates identified needs. For example when there are changes to working spaces, or new working spaces opened, we will do our best to make them accessible to all.
  • Everyone at Share Bristol is responsible for conducting themselves in accordance with this policy and ensuring it is carried out properly.
  • All volunteers should do their best to stop and/or reduce the impact of any harassment, bullying or intimidation that they are aware of and inform a Trustee of suspected cases of harassment, bullying or intimidation. 
  • Members and third parties should inform Share Bristol of suspected cases of harassment, bullying or intimidation in person or via 
  • Share Bristol Trustees are responsible for preventing inappropriate behaviour and ensuring that any discriminatory behaviour is dealt with swiftly and firmly. 

When recruiting our Trustees, staff and volunteers, we will ensure:

  • Our advertisements avoid prescribing any unnecessary requirements which would exclude a higher proportion of a particular gender, sexual orientation, age, religion or racial group, or which would exclude disabled applicants (except in cases where health and safety requirements apply).
  • Our advertisements are non-discriminatory and aim to attract applications from suitably skilled and experienced people from all sections of the community, by advertising through channels selected to target a full spectrum of potential applicants. 
  • All applicants are assessed according to their skills, experience, motivation, values and suitability to carry out the role.

We will ensure:

  • Equal consideration is given to all volunteers for task assignment, payment of agreed out of pocket expenses, training and development.
  • Our staff and Trustees participate in training and development activities supporting equality, diversity and inclusion.

To ensure that this policy helps build and maintain a charity that is for everyone, we will:

  • Monitor the effective implementation of this policy and associated best practice
  • Regularly review this policy to ensure it remains up to date with external advice and is effective
  • Regularly review our working practices to see if we can make improvements

Contact us

If you have any questions, comments or feedback about our working practices then please contact us on