Everyone knows that we are all about sharing, here at Share Bristol, but we are about to take this to the next level!
We are delighted to announce that Share Bristol Bedminster will now be home to a Community Hub, offering a range of activities and resources for young people and adults. The Community Hub is one of the activities being delivered as part of the City Centre and High Streets Programme, funded by Bristol City Council and the West of England Combined Authority.
This, alongside support from the Wessex Water Environment Fund, has already resulted in us being able to extend our opening hours in Bedminster – from 1st July we have been open on Mondays from 5pm to 8pm. Our next steps involve recruiting a Community Hub Coordinator to manage all the activities that will take place, and to ask local organisations to get in touch and tell us what activities they would like to deliver from the Hub.
Our vision is that everybody shares, and we hope that by hosting this Community Hub at Share Bristol Bedminster we will bring greater awareness to the Library of Things movement and encourage more people to join our community and start sharing. And of course many of the activities will involve sharing things (including some of our Things to borrow), resources, skills, ideas and general good times.
If you would like to get involved, as our new Community Hub Coordinator, as an organisation who would like to deliver activities from the Hub, or as a volunteer, then please email us at hello@sharebristol.igocode.com.