Do you happen to have a carpet cleaner or pressure washer you don’t really use? We could use your help if so!
In May 2023, Share Bristol celebrated two years of operation from our library of things in Kingswood. We started slowly, with local people not always realising how useful a resource the library could be, but that has certainly changed over the last few months.
The number of borrowers each month has quadrupled since December, meaning there is high demand for some of the most popular things in the library catalogue. We just can’t keep up with the demand for certain things, with the most popular being reserved months in advance by people who are super-organised! And with another library due to open in Bedminster later this year, the need for good quality items that people want to borrow is ramping up.

So, we’re putting out a plea for donations of our most popular things. Our carpet cleaners have been loaned out 26 times in the first six months of the year – although sadly one was stolen from a member of the library when it was on loan, increasing pressure on the remaining ones. Pressure washers are also proving popular at the moment, with 19 loans in the last few months. Do you know anyone who might be willing to donate one?
‘Share Bristol really needs the kind of things that people use just a few times a year. We know that people have them sitting in their garages and under the stairs, so we are hoping that people will be willing to have a bit of a spring de-clutter and clear out and donate their unwanted things to Share Bristol. The best bit is that you can always borrow them back if you become a member of the library!’
Anna Perry, a volunteer Director with the Share Bristol team
If you have something you are willing to donate, please email us on with the details and we will get back to you in a few days.